
How can we help?

CGT & Associates Chartered Accountants understands that everyone has unique business or personal accounting needs. By building relationships with our clients, we learn their special concerns and goals – and tailor services accordingly, from day-to-day accounting, to tax planning and preparation, to personal wealth management and retirement planning, to business consulting, succession planning.

CGT has a rigorous set of client service standards. Following standards are followed throughout the firm to ensure supreme quality service:

  • Gain an overall understanding of client to determine their exact requirements.

  • Develop Client Service Plan that clearly outlays the roles and responsibilities of CGT as well as client.
  • Execute the plan in such a manner to make sure that all commitments are met, and problems are identified, communicated and sorted out at initial stage.
  • Ensure effective communication with client throughout the service period and avoid last moment surprises.
  • Obtain frequent feedbacks from client for each service rendered so that deficiencies, if any, can be improved.
  • Charge reasonable remuneration that coincides with the services rendered.

Auditing & Assurance

For organizations that require an audit for statutory or regulatory reasons associated with the filing of their annual and periodic financial information, we provide high quality audit services.

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Tax Planning And Consultancy

We advise clients on how to achieve their business objectives by reducing their tax risks and meeting their compliance obligations. Our tax consultancy also enhances business and operating efficiency as we advise clients on managing their tax contributions.

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Business Consulting

Strategic consultancy of the company’s incorporation form is required since its inception to exploit the best business opportunities in the region. We provide consultancy on the establishment of new entities in Lesotho.

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Financial & Accounting Services

We offer financial and accounting outsourcing services to provide our clients with timely, accurate and customized financial reports saving them the hassle of establishing an accounting department, regulating internal control activities and administering financial reporting processes.

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Our Services Softwares