Tax Planning & Consultancy

Tax Planning & Consultancy

Tax is now the number one regulatory concern of any CEO, and it is driving demand for proper internal control activities and tough financial reporting processes to satisfy regulators and stakeholders. With exceptional expertise in this area, we offer strategic consultancy from the establishment of new entities to resolving tax conflicts with the tax authorities.

We advise clients on how to achieve their business objectives by reducing their tax risks and meeting their compliance obligations. Our tax consultancy also enhances business and operating efficiency as we advise clients on managing their tax contributions.

  • Tax planning and projections.
  • Tax reporting and compliance.
  • Research and review of complex tax issues.
  • International tax planning and compliance.
  • State and local tax planning and compliance.
  • Merger and acquisition tax planning and analysis.
  • Tax Audit and Tax Health Checks.
  • Payroll tax preparation and reporting.

For organizations that require an audit for statutory or regulatory reasons associated with the filing of their annual and periodic financial information, we provide high quality audit services such as, but not limited to, the following:

  • External audit of financial statements.
  • Review of financial statements.
  • Agreed upon procedures engagements.
  • Special purpose audits etc.

Our Approach

The tax team caters a large portfolio of different clients, which comprise of manufacturing, services and retail sector. We provide our clients an innovative tax service for their sophisticated and complex transactions. Our tax specialists are fully conversant with the complex laws and the techniques for strategic tax planning. As taxation pervasively affects all businesses and their decision-making, we place major emphasis in providing taxations advice and related services with a problem-solving approach.

We keep our selves updated with the changes in the tax and other corporate laws, along with informing our clients with the implications of the applicable laws and regulation on their business. We also have association with the relevant law bars and associations, to keep our knowledge base updated at all the times.

We ensure that our staff attends the seminars and conferences held by professional institutes to stay in line with the prevalent practices.